Send them to your living room and teach them about money!
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Meet 5 kids who love making, saving and investing their own money. Together, they show families how to build wealth. But they couldn’t do it alone. Their parents play a pivotal role. That’s why we know this to be TRUE: The family that PAYS together, SAVES together! We’ll show you how.
Within minutes of signup or with book 1 of the 6-book set, you'll be teaching the first concepts. No stress over
what to teach.
Wondering if this is right for your high school or college student? Our adult workbook means it's not too late to plant those financial seeds.
Got a business?
Hire your kids! Each lesson presents opportunities to give them that edge and your business tax breaks too!
Because it's kids teaching these lessons, they are sure to capture the attention of even the youngest mind in the group so everyone stays engaged.
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